" Burpppp! Burpppp! Burpppp! "went the man at the cafe sitting beside me,
I turned my head and smiled at him wryly.
I thought to myself how could he be so loud,
if he burped any louder, he'd surely attract disdain looks from the cafe crowd.
But then I remembered this dialogue from my favorite movie " Shrek",
the big fat green ogre with the shortened neck.
He had said" Better out than in, I say"
and then I realized that if you've got to burp,
You've got to burp from your mouth,
there surely isn't any other way!!
Burping is also known as belching, ructus or eructation,
caused by release of gases from the oesophagus and stomach section.
It could be due to excessive eating or drinking of beer or carbonated waters,
but giving out a burp is the biggest satisfaction, it really doesn't matter.
You could suppress your burp like a giggle or belch like a frog's croak,
don't worry, everyone burps or belches,
Obama, Queen Elizabeth, prince Charles and even the Pope.
Burping aloud is deemed socially inappropriate
and we normally say "excuse me" or" sorry" whenever we do.
But how do you teach a new born baby,
who burps at the break of dawn or even in the afternoon at two.
It's difficult to control this gaseous expulsion from our mouth,
it may be odourless or taste like rotten eggs or tomatoes ,
check your burps.... if you do have a doubt.
But someone had said to me once" if you burp, it means you've enjoyed the food",
so go ahead people, burp away...
cause' burping or belching surely feels good!!