Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The B word - BURPS!!

" Burpppp! Burpppp! Burpppp! "went the man at the cafe sitting beside me,
I turned my head and smiled at him wryly.
I thought to myself how could he be so loud,
if he burped any louder, he'd surely attract disdain looks from the cafe crowd.

But then I remembered this dialogue from my favorite movie " Shrek",
the big fat green ogre with the shortened neck.
He had said" Better out than in, I say"
and then I realized that if you've got to burp,
You've got to burp from your mouth,
there surely isn't any other way!!

Burping is also known as belching, ructus or eructation,
caused by release of gases from the oesophagus and stomach section.
It could be due to excessive eating or drinking of beer or carbonated waters,
but giving out a burp is the biggest satisfaction, it really doesn't matter.
You could suppress your burp like a giggle or belch like a frog's croak,
don't worry, everyone burps or belches,
Obama, Queen Elizabeth, prince Charles and even the Pope.

Burping aloud is deemed socially inappropriate 
and we normally say "excuse me" or" sorry" whenever we do.
But how do you teach a new born baby,
who burps at the break of dawn or even in the afternoon at two.
It's difficult to control this gaseous expulsion from our mouth,
it may be odourless or taste like rotten eggs or tomatoes ,
check your burps.... if you do have a doubt.

But someone had said to me once" if you burp, it  means you've enjoyed the food",
so go ahead people, burp away...
cause' burping or belching surely feels good!!  

Monday, January 28, 2013

The F word - FART...

We've taught the toddler to say " Sorry!" whenever he farts
since he makes pretty loud farts and " aromatic"ones too.
So this made me want to pen down my quirky thoughts on a fart,
and give my comic point of view.

A fart is a part of flatulence,
often caused by excessive over indulgence.
It can be loud, it can be silent,
it can be odourless or highly feculent.

A fart is the colloquial meaning for the Latin word Flatus,
which could also mean "passing gas" or " breaking wind" ,
but remember if you do " pass gas "in public,
ensure to keep it low and below din.

There's no fixed time or fixed place for a fart,
you can fart anywhere, when you're atop the Eiffel tower,
or anytime, watching the sunset with your childhood sweetheart.

A fart could be a whistle,
it could even be a medley or a song,
it could sound like a Harley Davidson or an impatient car horn.

But do not be afraid of this Flatus or this gaseous fart,
yes, it could be embarrassing.....
but it's just nature, playing some music,
through our rounded" bottom" part.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Bro...

So today the sibling turns a ripe old twenty nine,
One of my fave guys, this brother of mine.
I vividly remember the day that he was born,
on a bright, sunny Thursday morn.
The cutest little baby I had ever seen,
it was one of the happiest days of my life, indeed.

" Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a super hero", it's said,
and yes... that saying does hold true in every stead.
You've  fought with him, you've laughed and talked with him and even beaten him black or blue.
Cause' a brother will always be a part of your childhood which you'll never ever lose.
But no matter how old we grow or how far we may be apart,
this lil, baby bro of mine will always have a special place in my heart.

Happy Birthday Brothster!!! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A bit of Childhood vs Adulthood....

I walked down memory lane yesterday,
thanks to an old dear friend.
She brought back nostalgia of childhood days,
sadly, which did come to an end.

When we were young, studying was our main responsibility,
but as we grew older with time,
besides job and house to find.
There's bills to pay, 
rent, EMIs, paper and electricity.

Earlier as children, examinations were our only tension,
but now there's getting to work on time, 
driving through traffic jams,
appraisals and fretting as to why we've not got a good bonus or promotion.

We'd wake up late on holidays and never have to worry,
about what's there for breakfast 
or who's going to prepare morning tea.
But now, we wake up at sunrise, be it on any day,
make breakfast, tea and pack lunch
wake up the kid, bathe and dress him,
and ensure that he's off to school, anyway.

Food would be placed on our dining table
and we'd eat with or without a fuss,
but now we have to browse through various recipes,
plan the weekly menu or with the husband or child discuss.

We'd get our clothes, toys and monthly/ weekly pocket money,
we had no financial pressures.
But now as adults, we need to budget, account, plan
our household incomes and expenditures.

Yes....Time flies and into adults, we all grow
we are little children no more.
We have our own goals to achieve, own battles to fight,
we all have new worries, new plights.
I do love this new "grown up" world of mine,
but sometimes I wish I could rewind back and be a child,
where I could just be young ( not that I'm old ;) and free,
but then if I could.....
I wouldn't be able to look back with a smile,
at these nostalgic memories.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Imagine If Breakfast could be Brownies.....

Finally the new year is here and I need to stop the over indulgence, this dissipation,
fight the battle of the bulge which is an every year resolution.
But dieting seems to be such a daunting task,
cause' I need to munch on snacks
while watching serials of 'bahu and saas'
or watch movies, chomping on chocolates like Galaxys and Toblerones,
which I lose count of, 
like an imbecile moron.

I blame God for this superfluous disparity,
by making the " good things in life" 
overtly unhealthy!

And then I let my imagination take over me,
if I could start the first meal of the day....breakfast with
a scoop of vanilla ice cream atop a hot Sizzling Brownie.
Lunch would be hearty with simple pancakes,
spread with Nutella or drenched in Maple syrup,
and maybe we'd go healthy,
add some whipped cream and strawberries to top it up.
Tea time would consist of chocolate muffins or red velvet cheesecakes,
maybe a cup of cappuccino and some chocolate chip cookies freshly baked.
Dinner would be light, so I'd stick to an assortment of gelatos or ice creams,
I wish all of the above would be a reality and not just a dream.

Aaaah....if I could eat just desserts morning, noon and night,
and never put on an ounce of weight,
I'd be the happiest person on earth,
sugar would give me an all time high,
I'd always walk with a sprightly gait.