Friday, March 29, 2013

An eventful " Good Friday"

Today is Good Friday
a day where Christians fast and pray.
But I spent my morning this Good Friday,
doing a "good service" to my son,
if I may proudly say!

We parents have to prepare an Easter hat
for the Egg hunt and Mad hatter's tea party on  Easter Sunday.
The hat had to be colourful and fanciful,
unique in every way.

So I cut up a black chart paper
and made a black hat.
But realized later than sooner,
black is not colourful,
as a matter of fact.

Then I cut up some yellow, blue and orange paper
and made eggs of different sizes and shapes
Some were small like that of hens
and some slim and long,like that of snakes.

Then I glued them on the hat,
it looked " Colourful" indeed.
In school, I found art and craft not my cup of tea,
but, with this paper hat,
I was mighty pleased.

I cut up some more paper
and made a little flag.
It read " Happy Easter DLSM*.     ( De La Salle Montessori - toddler's school) 
I'm sure the teachers would be mighty glad.

So the toddler is ready for Easter Sunday,
But my Good Friday won't be complete,
without the solemn church mass.
Thanking the Saviour, Lord Jesus,
who died for our sins,
undoubtedly, the greatest ever...
indefatigable, sacrificial task.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A " Seasonal" Office Romance

It was March 1st, the beginning of spring,
her first day at work.
She timidly walked in through the door
dressed smartly in a crisp white shirt and black skirt
A fresh post graduate, not over twenty four.

He looked erudite with his spectacles
He was 27, a strapping young man,
knowledgeable and experienced,
He was the organisation's right hand.

It was love at first sight for him,
the instance on her he laid his eyes.
He hoped she didn't notice,
his loving gaze, she didn't realise.

Her eyes met his,his eyes met hers.
He had evaded love for so long.
" Oh no, it can't happen " he thought,
"  I can hear violins playing a sonnet,
a beautiful love song!" 

But as luck would have it,
Cupid had in this story a pivotal part to play.
She was seated at a desk opposite him,
just a meter away.

Thus their story began,
though spring ended in a doleful way.
Their eyes would do the talking,
but their mouths had nothing to say.

He would look up from his computer
and give her a sly smile.
She'd smile back coyly,
and pretend she was busy,
going through the accounts file.

Then one bright summer morning he mustered the courage,
walked up to her and asked her out on a date.
He said " Let's have a cup of coffee after work
Don't worry, I won't keep you out late."

They went out for a cup of coffee at 7,
to the cafe a few blocks away.
The evening was filled with coffees  and conversations,
realization hadn't dawned on them....
it was the start to a brand new day.

And these meetings happened often
at cafes,  at the theatre, at the park near the sea
till they realised they were deeply in love
and together forever, they were meant to be.

One fine day, he proposed, she accepted,
and they got married on the last Sunday in December.
Whoever thought that, that an office romance that started in spring,
would  end in an official Marriage,
in  winter.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Wedding Day

She was waiting in the Mercedes
all dressed in diamonds, shimmering white
waiting to walk down the aisle with her father,
waiting to be a newly wedded wife.

She climbed up the church steps,
the veil covering her coy face.
As soon as she heard the tune
" Here comes the bride."
she smiled, t'was shone through the lace.

She walked arm in arm with her father
as he led her through the aisle.
She smiled and nodded at people as she passed
her face had a sparkle, 
like that of a new born child.

She saw the priest at the altar
and he standing by his side.
She thought " In just a few moments,
I'll be his newly wedded bride!"

Then all of  a sudden she fell flat,
on the cold hard checkered floor.
Her shoe had got caught in the trail behind.
Oh no what a way to go.

He left the priest and ran to her side
and helped her back on her feet.
He joked " You'd fall head over heels in love with me. 
You proved it today, my sweet."

He walked her to the altar
His face was still aglow.
He had the love of his life by his side,
he couldn't ask God for more.

They both exchanged wedding vows
and also wedding rings.
He lifted her veil and kissed her cheek,
t'was the beginning of a new beginning.

They were now man and wife,
for all the world to see.
To love and to hold and have each other,
forever till eternity.

The wedding mass then ended,
and everyone clapped and rejoiced,
to celebrate the union of two hearts,
of the newly wedded husband and wife.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weighty Misunderstanding...

He was seated in the train 
voraciously reading the morning news
when at the next station
 a woman boarded the train,
her tummy was huge!

The lady stood quietly
holding the railing near the door.
He stared at her feeling
pity and remorse.

He thought " this poor lady's expecting,
how can she manage such weight.
It's sad no one wants to give up their seat,
sharing in a train, is not a common trait!"

So he folded his newspaper 
put it neatly in his briefcase
and walked upto her
with a smile on his face.

He politely said " Since you're expecting
you may take my seat."
He felt proud and happy 
he had done his good deed for the week.

She gave him a cold hard stare
and said "Sir, I'm not expecting
but thank you for your chivalry.
You see God with weight 
has been overly generous with me!"

The man was embarrassed
he didn't know where to look
He went back to his seat
and from his briefcase, pulled out a book.

But to his dismay
he had pulled out " From Pig to twig-
 Neris and India's Idiot proof diet"By India Knight.
And so he made matters worse
instead of setting it right.

He gave her an awkward smile
and looked uneasily away.
Mentally, he took an oath
He'd never ever offer a seat
to any oversize woman 
starting from that day!

A Funny Proposal...

T'was a summer evening
he took her to the park near the sea
and politely asked her to sit on the bench,
under the shade of an old oak tree.

He lovingly took her hand in his
and asked her to close her eyes.
She obediently listened to him,
knowing in her heart,
awaiting her was a huge surprise.

Now, high above on the old oak tree,
lived a murder of gluttonous crows
And after stuffing themselves with a heavy meal,
nature called out to them, the same time he decided to propose.

Then the unexpected happened
and  on her hand she felt something sticky and white
this wasn't the surprise she had dreamt of 
and longingly had in sight.

She was livid that he could do something so repugnant
and so her five fingers on his cheek went  smack,
She felt such an indignity and such behaviour 
needed a hard resounding slap.

He was taken aback by her misdemeanor
and said " But I've not yet on your finger put the ring,
Whoever thought that the excrement of crows
would not be a sign of good luck, but a five finger sting!"

"And how can you ever think
that I'd propose in such an icky way.
As luck would have it unfortunately,
the crows had to have " the runs"
on my proposal day."

And so once again he cajoled her
and on her finger slipped the solitaire made of gold
He asked her " will you marry me,
and together with me will you grow old?"

She said " Yes my darling, I'll marry you
and love you till eternity.
But promise me one thing, my dear.
If you ever plan to surprise me again,
never under this old oak tree!"

Sad truth about women...

I'm staring at the mirror
I can see strands of grey
I've realized time has passed fast
I've come a long way.

I'm no longer a young lass
new to this world
a little child no more
I'm no longer daddy's girl.

I'm a daughter, a sister,
an in-law, a mother and wife,
but I'm a woman first,
in this present God given life.

I'm thankful to the people around me
I'm thankful they've treated me well
But then I ponder on women who are not,
into their miseries, I delve.

Some are raped and beaten
some burnt and abused
some are made to starve
and hit with their husband's shoes.

Some are treated unequally 
in this male dominated world
Some are aborted in the womb
when the mother learns sadly,
it's not a boy,but an ordinary girl.

It's disheartening that even in this modern day,
women are treated shoddily still
Where man's ego comes in the way,
and makes a woman stay home,
even though it's against her will.

We may have the highest of college degrees
But our mindset hasn't changed
We may have done a Phd in Anthropology
but our attitude towards women,
still remains the same.

We have special days for women,
celebrated internationally with pomp and grandeur.
But why!! why!! can't they be treated with love and respect
every single day of the year.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

If the world was a parking lot...

I'm sipping tea looking out of the 8th floor window,
I can see a group of boys playing football in the parking lot, down below.
Dressed in sports shoes and shorts 
and red, blue and yellow tees,
they're from different countries, different nationalities.
They're carefree, not worried about race, colour or religion,
a football has bound them and brought about this unification.

Imagine, if the world was a gigantic parking lot where people played football,
there wouldn't be any global issues, no fights, no wars at all.
Everyone would run after the football,to score a winning goal
from Eskimos to Africans, from north to south pole.

Red or yellow cards would be given if rules were not followed or disobeyed,
penalty kicks would be the bonus, 
if issues were solved in a day.
There'd be no barriers, no walls, no boundaries,
just football teams or clubs, 
with names of different countries.

Imagine if the world was a parking lot and people played football all day,
dribbling, kicking and head butting a ball
where each one got a fixed stipend or pay.
There'd be no poverty, no hunger, no inequality,
no discrimination of gender or race.
Everyone would help each other,
the world would be one happy, peaceful, perfect place.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Taxes and the Aam Aadmi....

Rising prices and taxes is a never ending common man's woe,
how will he survive with a stagnant income,
if the " FM" new duties and taxes impose.

He pays entertainment tax to watch a movie
and road tax to "moon walk" on pot holed roads.
He pays service tax of 12% at an a/c restaurant,
if he wishes to reduce his wife's cooking load.

He pays tax for public transport
and airport and fuel tax to travel by air.
He even pays an additional tax,
if at a fancy salon, he snips his hair.

He has to pay more for LPG
if he relishes home cooked food.
And if he wishes to whisper sweet nothings to his wife from anywhere,
he'd have to pay 6% duty on mobiles too.

He'd have to pay additional duty on set top boxes,
if he wishes to watch Saas Bahu serials in the comfort of his home.
Or he could take a long drive with his wife,
but with sky rocketing petrol prices,
it's a luxury to even roam.

The poor fellow can't even drown his sorrow in liquor
as that is heavily taxed too.
And when his end is finally near,
the doctor will say " you've got no sickness,
it's the taxes that got the better of you!!"