Saturday, June 1, 2013

BMc's Manequinn Madness

Dear BMC,

I guffawed when I read the headlines in the tabloids yesterday,
where your councillors have proposed a  ban on skimpy clad mannequins in " Amchi" Bombay.
You may feel this ban will reduce sexual crimes against the fairer race
if you cover up these lifeless lifelike dolls staring down at your face.
But, how did you ever come up with such a ludicrous proposition
is beyond my imagination and shows your  organisation's mental retrogradation.
Seriously, dear councillors no man will ever get any ejaculatory pleasure
by staring lasciviously at dummies made of plaster of Paris or other glass fiber.
On the contrary, they may suffer from an erectile dysfunction
if they contemplate on getting from a dummy any libidinous satisfaction.
Why not ban the "free for all" display of male urination at railway tracks and public places,
We women do not enjoy the sight of strange "one eyed snakes",
peering at our disgusted faces.

So, Ladies and gentlemen of the " esteemed" BMC 
please rethink your moral policing proposal more sensibly.
Such a plan will not curb rapes or other sexual crimes,
rather, come up with a strategy which will keep " humans" in line.
Leave the bechara mannequins alone,
the thought of no branded CK, Victoria's Secret, M&S will leave them desolate and forlorn.
I'm sure there's enough work to keep you councillors gainfully busy,
so, please don't waste time on such jocular, meaningless, mindless triviality.

A ROTFLMAO Bombayite