Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hassles of Housework

"Oh no I've overslept" I look at my alarm clock with a start,
Now I'll have to hurry with my morning bath.

Coz' there's loads of housework I've got to do,
from making up beds to scrubbing the bathtub too.

There's the dishes in the sink I've got to wash,
And a big pile of laundry, oh my gosh,

I've still to vacuum and mop the floor,
The dusting is still left and polishing of the front door.

Oh I've still not decided for dinner, what am I going to cook!
I guess I'll have to refer to my favourite recipe book.

Should I cook up a rice and Stroganoff in a hurry
Or just stick to a simple Mangalorean chicken curry.

Oh Why doesn't this housework seem to end!

it drives me up the foyer and round the bend.

Sometimes I wish I was the "Sleeping" and not "Sweeping Beauty",
Without any chores and household duties.

Housework doesn't pay the salary at the bank I earned,
But there's something about housework, in time I've learnt.

If you think of Housework positively ,
it sure does seem fun,

When you do it lovingly for your family and loved ones.

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