Sunday, April 22, 2012

Does God exist?????

Sometimes bad things happen to good people and you often wonder why!
Even though they have done only good and never harmed a fly.
And then we question God and ask him, does he really exist!
If he does, why do tensions and troubles and trauma in the world persist.
Why doesn't he shower on those we love only endless blessings
Why does he give problems and sadness which are quite depressing.
Yes, I do believe in God, but sometimes  wonder why,
Why can't he be a little more considerate, show himself to the human eye,
If he does exist, why is there so much worldly pain,
Why can't peace and happiness exists, across all global terrains.
why do criminals walk away scot free, whereas innocent people suffer,
and for various people, at times, why does God's judgement differ.
God, if you do exist and I really believe you do,
Please give strength to those who need you most, 
Especially to those who've been good and always true to you.

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