Friday, April 27, 2012

My Funny First Date ...

Our wedding picture of the two of us is staring down at me,
And funny memories of our first date come back suddenly.
So let me relate to you in the form of poetry,
The very beginning of our love story.

Ours was an office love affair,
It was pretty hush hush as we didn't want our colleagues to giggle at us or stare,
So we decided to meet outside the gate of Sacred Heart Church Santacruz, West,
Sacred Heart Church, such a huge structure who could miss or even forget.
But we both didn't know that this church had two entrances
And of all the days I left my cell phone at home, I cursed my absentmindedness.
I was there at sharp 7.30 pm waiting outside the gate as planned,
But there seemed to be no sign of this tall, handsome man.
I waited and waited, half an hour passed, it was eight,
I thought to myself what an unpunctual man , how could he be late on our very first date!
So I walked to the nearest phone booth and called home,
To get Nigel's cell number and check if he had phoned.
I called Nigel on his cell, asking him his whereabouts,
Trying really hard not to lose my cool and raise my voice and shout,
And he replies coolly, " I am at Sacred Heart Church, from 7.30 waiting for you",
Now how could that be possible,
Since I've been waiting at the gate, since 7.30 too.
With all the madness, I accidentally put the phone receiver on another customer's phone,
He gave me an angry look, wishing I had turned to stone.
I walked back hurriedly in a huff and a puff, 
This first date drama was really too much.
I reached the gate where I had first stood and waited,
I still didn't see Nigel, my breath was all bated.
I moved a bit further and near a bus stop saw the other gate,
And then I saw Nigel, he was telling the truth, he wasn't late.
We met and laughed at our, sorry, my madness,
Of leaving my cell phone at home, such rare forgetfulness.
But if I didn't leave my phone at home, I wouldn't have such a wonderful memory,
Of our very first date and the rest as you know is history!!

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