Saturday, July 14, 2012

Troublesome Telemarketers!!!!

Tring tring goes the telephone,
Oh no its those telemarketers, why can't they leave me alone.
They call at such unearthly hours,
Trying to sell me insurance, bank loans or credit cards.
Innumerable Calls for memberships to international holidays
"not interested, no no no " is all I want to say!
I don't want to be rude but its pretty irritating,
To hear the phone ring, when we are in slumber land,sleeping.

I'm really tired of the incessant calls from ICICI, SBI, HDFC, HSBC,
How many credit cards or loans does a person really need!

Life Insurance, car insurance calls from kotak, reliance and Birla,
How many times do I need to insure myself or my car!
I'm not a JLO who wants to insure her bumpy behind,
Or Mariah Carey who wants to insure her throat that gives out a shrill whine.

The funniest part is when I'm referred to as Mister instead of Madam,
now I know that I don't have a baritone of a man but I surely sound like a woman.

It is indeed sad that these tele sales executives are given inhuman targets,
But along with sales training they must be taught some phone etiquette.
Cause' there is a certain time when your product needs to be sold,
definitely not in the afternoon where people enjoy their noon nap or to the bedridden and old.
So banks, insurance companies, clubs, instill in your sales people some common sense,
Or phone companies please incorporate the " Do not Disturb" facility efficiently instead!

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