Saturday, February 11, 2012

Being Content

It's four o'clock in the evening and I'm thinking how happy I am,
I am content with my life, happy with God's plan.
I've learnt to appreciate the little things life brings 
Cause' I know if we wait for the big things to happen, 
I'll waste my time waiting and find life mundane and boring.
Yes, I have my share of problems and I have my ups and downs,
But I rather see myself with my mouth curled up, rather than the other way around.

Life at times is tough and slaps us in the face, 
But it's how we tread the difficult path, accept life with a warm embrace.
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect and just so
It means looking beyond imperfections and maybe even more.
I've always been happy go lucky and content somehow,
I even remember having a shirt once, with a picture saying 'Contented Cow'

I'm not trying to preach, I'm not trying to brag,
Its just that I'd rather see people happy, than make them sorry and sad.
All I'm trying to say is be content with your life and the little things around,
Your family, your friends or the little pup you brought home from the dog pound.

 So once again I say be content with life, the little things and the joy it brings
Cause' one day you'll realize as time passes they were indeed the big things.

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