Monday, February 13, 2012

Life's tough....but we are tougher....

At times, life gets tough and the path we tread is uneven and rough,
But we have to learn to pick ourselves up and wipe away the blinding dust.
Tough times do not last, tough people do....
That's what we've all been taught and in time it does hold true.

Life sometimes hurls at us good and bad surprises,
The good surprises are often welcome...but the bad ...we don't know of what it comprises.
It may be a heartbreak, it may be a sudden death or loss,
It may be a court case, a sickness or firing from a horrible boss.
But we have to take all the bad like the good in our stride,
Life's path can't always be smooth, along the way there will be a bumpy ride.

If life was perfect and God gave us all we wanted,
We wouldn't count the blessings bestowed on us and we'd take everything for granted.
Remember God gave us endless treasures but not peace of mind and rest
If he gave that to us too, we would never turn to worries or unrest.
So all I'm trying to say is accept the good with the bad,
As time passes by you'll realize one day ....tough times will'll smile and be glad.

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