Saturday, March 3, 2012

That's what love and marriage are about....

Sometimes in life you stumble upon people with whom you make an instant connection,
You may know them for a very short time, but there is a very strong attraction,
I can vouch for the above and say it's true as that's what happened, to Nigel and me,
We met at work, started dating and fell in love instantly.

I've realised, you don't need to spend your whole life learning about somebody,
If a relationship is meant to happen, there has to be some chemistry.
Yes, the laws of physical attraction and biology also apply,
You can't enjoy physical pleasure or produce babies by staring into one another's eyes.
But besides physical acts of love and pleasure, 
We cherish our time, we spend with each other,
Endless talking and laughing and communicating,
And maybe hearing the sound of silent breathing and snoring.

That's what I feel marriage is about,
A concoction of love, understanding, emotions...all mixed together....without a doubt.
A meeting of hearts and bodies but also a meeting of minds,
A feeling which is so unique, so rare to find.

And as time passes, our looks will fade
We may be bald, senile and have flab bulging from our rear or waists,
But one thing is certain and that I am sure,
our love for each other will remain unconditional, only increase and never disappear.

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