Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why God Why????????

God, so many questions but you have no answers......

Why do you give us hope when you know there is no hope?
Why do we love somebody when we know we'll never be loved back in return?
Why do we love even though we know it hurts?
Why do you give life when you also give death?
Why do you give feelings of hate when you also give us feelings of love?
Why do you make chocolates and desserts more desirable than vegetables?
Why did you make mangoes the tastiest fruit but also highest in calories?
Why did you create some of us black, some white, some blue eyed, some brown eyed?
Why did you create disparity in wealth...some rich some poor...some over stuffed...some over starved?
Why do you make some of us fat, some of us too thin...but nobody with a perfect figure?
Why is it when we want to sleep, you don't give us rest and when we don't want to rest, you make us fall asleep?
Why did you make women give birth and not men...don't give me the Adam and Eve thingy??
Why are boys given preference over girls?
Why did you give women menstrual cycles and Pms and not men?

Why why why??? There are so many more questions...but I guess you'll never be able to answer the ones I've asked...

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