Friday, September 7, 2012

My letter to a Politician to stop local discrimination

Dear Mr. Politician,

Why are you creating such a harried confusion,
On the north Indian, south Indian, Bangalore- Mumbai immigration.
Aren't we all Indians, who belong to one nation,
Then why this incessant discrimination.
Why do you have sleepless nights over the Bihari babus and UP bhaiyas,
Instead of spending your time wisely on controlling petrol prices or the falling " Rupaiya"

Such racial discrimination has now trickled down to the masses,
which manifests on Indian roads with racial comments, stares and lewd passes.
Where a north east Indian is murdered in the south for being a north Indian 
And a south Indian is harassed in the west for his western " infiltration".
It is the constitutional right of all citizens to live in any part of India and seek employment,
then who has given you the right to pass such racial discriminatory judgements.

Someone in the tabloids mentioned you're ancestors were from another state,
then why between north, south, east and west you discriminate.
Very soon to move to other states we'll need visas,
if we are from Bihar or Karnataka and want to work in Maharashtra.
Why do you need to create such hate and always be considered a chauvinistic villain.
Is it a tactic to get more votes for the upcoming election!
When the city that never sleeps is known for its cosmopolitanism,
they why do you over and over again display acts of parochialism.

Lastly, You must remember that we are Indians first, of a  rich and varied heritage,
" India is my country and  all Indians are my brothers and sisters",
if you recollect, it's mentioned in the Indian National Pledge.

Yours sincerely,
A Troubled Indian

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