Monday, September 17, 2012

Two Hundred Blogs up....Thank you all!!

An idle mind is a devil's workshop, they say,
But thankfully, I'm always blessed with enough of work,
I have had no time to while it away.

When I moved to Dubai a year and a half ago,
I had made a conscious decision, 
career woman I wanted to be no more.
And with the passage of time I soon realized, I made the right choice,
I enjoy being a homemaker, spending time my boys.

But besides, household chores, I've got a chance to explore,
Writing, painting, reading and concocting dishes galore.
I enjoy putting thoughts on paper as soon as they cross my mind,
the amusing part is when I think, it always has to rhyme.

It's been ten months since I've been writing on diverse topics,
be it sports, movies, celebrities, my own experiences or views and Indian politics.
I'm happy people enjoy reading the blog, I've been told, messaged and mailed many times
they are written straight from the heart you see,
I'm sure they've  brought many laughs, tears and smiles.

So please continue to do so, enjoy reading " Charmaine's Smiles and Laughter"
today with this post I complete TWO HUNDRED,
hopefully, I continue to write and make you all smile, laugh and cry, forever and ever after!

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