Friday, September 28, 2012

Life as compared to a train journey...

Our lives can be easily compared to train journeys,
because both life and a train journey have many similarities.

I boarded the 9.30 AM Bandra local on 15th February, 1979,
on a bright Thursday morn.
That's the day I started on this train of life,
my so called Sojourn.
At first I was accompanied only by my parents and grandparents
but as I passed from one station to another,
this train was boarded by more passengers seated in various compartments.

Some were acquaintances, some were relatives,
some strangers and some friends,
some continued on their journey with me,
and some had to alight at a particular station
as their journey had come to a definite end.

Some passengers made good travelling companions who I knew would accompany me till my final destination,
but some were the temporary ticketless travellers who decided to alight suddenly at the first few stations.
And then I had this one passenger who suddenly came along,
who promised me, to be part of my train ride,
now matter how far the destination
or the journey, be it....enjoyable, tiring or long.

On this train journey, I've faced sudden halts, jolts, blockages and derailments,
but till date this journey on the train of life has been "paisa vasool" entertainment, entertainment and entertainment... ( love that Vidya Balan line)
There have been some dark dreary tunnels which I've also passed along the way,
but there have been beautiful visions of mountainous sceneries, of bright blue skies, lush green hillsides
and sunflowers swaying to the song of the lilting breeze, on most days.

But for me the most important part of this journey on my life's train
is the entry and exit of my co-passengers,
those who've given me a memorable experience,
love, laughter, friendship, marriage,motherhood, joy,
even hurt, strife, sadness and pain.

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