Friday, November 23, 2012

Being Thankful..

Sometimes we feel we are less fortunate than our friends, family or peers,
but along with the countless blessings, God showered on us a barrel filled with tears.
Each one of us has our own can of worms, our own cross to carry.
it depends on how we look at our cup of life, half full or half empty.

Instead, we can be thankful for the haves rather than gripe on the have nots,
be grateful for our family, friends and loved ones and the good health we've got.
If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough,
and as you walk down life's trodden path, you'll find the going gets tough.

You don't need to be thankful or celebrate thanksgiving only on one special day,
you can be grateful for the gift of life, love and laughter,
which you experience 365/366 days a year....
surprisingly, in the most idiosyncratic ways.

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