Monday, December 3, 2012

What do I want my son to be.....

As I lay awake at night,
I couldn't take my eyes of this wonderful sight,
of my little boy with a smile on his face, asleep on his race car bed,
his Rusteeze pillow beneath his head.

And as I lay awake these thoughts came to me,
no astronaut, no scientist, no engineer, I'd want my son to be,
as long as being a good human being was his priority.
He may grow up to be dark, handsome and tall,
but he must be strong enough to pick himself up, after a fall.
He must be able to endure pain and alleviate his fears,
but at the same time be magnanimous
and compassionate towards another's tears.

He may become famous or a leader one day,
but must remember that fame and fortune are temporary
and may suddenly dissipate and pass away.
And no matter what he aspires to be or eventually becomes,
I hope that he turns out to be a man of character,
and we parents can hold our head up high
and proudly say " Oh, yes that's Mikhail...our beloved son!"

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