Thursday, October 25, 2012

Two years since Grandma's gone

Two years have passed and I often wonder why,
why did you suddenly leave us without saying good bye.
But no Nana, I'm not hear to mourn or feel doleful and sad
cause' memories of you fill my heart with happiness and make me feel glad.
You lived a wonderful life to it's fullest capacity,
we were indeed blessed to have you and, 
as part of family.

Nana, you were truly an epitome of style and grace.
Memories of you always put a smile on my face.
I remember you wanting to get your nails and eyebrows done,
even at eighty,you were always impeccably dressed, 
not a hair out of place,always tied in a bun.
Your heartiness, your infectious laughter and the songs you sang to us brings back fond memories,
and also your culinary skills and concoctions of various delicacies.
I still smile to myself when I think of you chomping on farsans and Aliva biscuits,
perched on your favourite maroon chair in front of the kitchen cabinet.

Oh Nana, I miss you immensely and wished longer you had stayed,
but then no human can ever understand God's plans or ways.
So take care of us and shower on us your blessings and abundant love,
Till we finally meet one fine day in heaven up above.

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