Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Goodbye to 2012

Good Bye 2012 you've been a marvelous year,
a year of indelible memories which I'll cherish and revere.

You've given me pain, you've given me disappointments,
but also happiness, celebrations, peace and contentment.

You've given me an opportunity to travel and visit new countries,
chance upon new talents and explore new possibilities.

You made me shift to a beautiful house which I call home,
blessed me with enough to do, so I'd never feel ennui or alone.

You've given me new friends but never ever made me forget the value of the old
gave me a chance to send my son to a lovely school and made him independent and bold.
A chance to be a part of the happiest day of a friend's life,
a chance to strive to be a better mother and a zealous, devoted wife.

You gave me the luxury to be with family thrice,
even though we are faraway separated by thousands of miles.

Thank You my friend and Adieu,
for the learnings, the experiences, the laughter, the tears,
I now Iook forward to 2013,
which will be another wonderful year with it's mysteries,
surprises and more of the unseen.

Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year Resolutions from A to Z for a Wife

It's the end of the year once again,
Coming up with New Year resolutions is indeed a pain.
So I've thought of some resolutions from A to Zee,
let's see if it'll help both husband and me.

A is for Appreciating the husband a little more- you're stuck with him for the rest of your life
B is for Beautifying yourself for your husband though the PM cramps cuts through your tummy like a sharpened knife

C is for being Calm and Cool when he doesn't help with the chores
D is for Diverting your mind when he disturbs you at night with his snores

E is for Enthusiasm you show when he buys you a gift you didn't want
F is for Feigning surprise when you knew the surprise all along

G is for Giving up the television to the husband for his sports
H is for Hanging up the phone after an hour quietly, when he tells you with a friend you over-spoke

I is for his Idiosyncrasies which you resolve to accept
J is for the Jokes he plays on you and you accept it positively in Jest

K is for the extra Kisses you shower on him everyday
L is for Loving him more and more in various, different ways

M is for the Money you promise not to overspend
N is for the incessant Nagging which needs to be lessened and drives him round the bend

O is for Organising his clothes more often and getting rid of the unnecessary crap in his cupboard
P is for Peacefully accepting defeat when you're wrong, when you know he has the last word

Q is for Quietening up whenever he blows his top
R is for Relaxing and resting more with him and to your housework putting a stop

S is for Surprising him more with healthy foods than feeding him unhealthy desserts
T is for Teaching him to put his shoes back in the rack and teaching him his wife's worth

U is for Unconditionally loving him even though he'll grow old, fat and bald
V is for Vamoosing when he gets the credit card bill for which some expenses were uncalled

W is for Warning sign you need to give him during that emotional ' period'
X is  unnecessary Xpectations of the husband, on which we wives need to put a lid

Y is for Yelling less when the husband is late and walks in meekly through the door
Z is for Zippy, Zany and Zesty we need to be if from the husband and marriage we want more,more and more!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A poem of a Rape Victim

Why Oh why did you do this to me,
Why Oh why did you rape me so violently.
I was a virgin, a young, innocent girl,
but in a matter of minutes you changed my world.
I shouted "No" but you paid no heed,
and you coerced me and continued with your heinous deed.
You raped me time and time and again,
like a wild beast, leaving the remains for his friends.
You bow before Laxmi, Durga, Mary and Saraswati,
then why did you treat me so shoddily.
You stripped me, you beat me, you left me to die,
why did you do this to me.....
Why Oh Why!

Monday, December 3, 2012

What do I want my son to be.....

As I lay awake at night,
I couldn't take my eyes of this wonderful sight,
of my little boy with a smile on his face, asleep on his race car bed,
his Rusteeze pillow beneath his head.

And as I lay awake these thoughts came to me,
no astronaut, no scientist, no engineer, I'd want my son to be,
as long as being a good human being was his priority.
He may grow up to be dark, handsome and tall,
but he must be strong enough to pick himself up, after a fall.
He must be able to endure pain and alleviate his fears,
but at the same time be magnanimous
and compassionate towards another's tears.

He may become famous or a leader one day,
but must remember that fame and fortune are temporary
and may suddenly dissipate and pass away.
And no matter what he aspires to be or eventually becomes,
I hope that he turns out to be a man of character,
and we parents can hold our head up high
and proudly say " Oh, yes that's Mikhail...our beloved son!"