Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Goodbye to 2012

Good Bye 2012 you've been a marvelous year,
a year of indelible memories which I'll cherish and revere.

You've given me pain, you've given me disappointments,
but also happiness, celebrations, peace and contentment.

You've given me an opportunity to travel and visit new countries,
chance upon new talents and explore new possibilities.

You made me shift to a beautiful house which I call home,
blessed me with enough to do, so I'd never feel ennui or alone.

You've given me new friends but never ever made me forget the value of the old
gave me a chance to send my son to a lovely school and made him independent and bold.
A chance to be a part of the happiest day of a friend's life,
a chance to strive to be a better mother and a zealous, devoted wife.

You gave me the luxury to be with family thrice,
even though we are faraway separated by thousands of miles.

Thank You my friend and Adieu,
for the learnings, the experiences, the laughter, the tears,
I now Iook forward to 2013,
which will be another wonderful year with it's mysteries,
surprises and more of the unseen.

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