Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year Resolutions from A to Z for a Wife

It's the end of the year once again,
Coming up with New Year resolutions is indeed a pain.
So I've thought of some resolutions from A to Zee,
let's see if it'll help both husband and me.

A is for Appreciating the husband a little more- you're stuck with him for the rest of your life
B is for Beautifying yourself for your husband though the PM cramps cuts through your tummy like a sharpened knife

C is for being Calm and Cool when he doesn't help with the chores
D is for Diverting your mind when he disturbs you at night with his snores

E is for Enthusiasm you show when he buys you a gift you didn't want
F is for Feigning surprise when you knew the surprise all along

G is for Giving up the television to the husband for his sports
H is for Hanging up the phone after an hour quietly, when he tells you with a friend you over-spoke

I is for his Idiosyncrasies which you resolve to accept
J is for the Jokes he plays on you and you accept it positively in Jest

K is for the extra Kisses you shower on him everyday
L is for Loving him more and more in various, different ways

M is for the Money you promise not to overspend
N is for the incessant Nagging which needs to be lessened and drives him round the bend

O is for Organising his clothes more often and getting rid of the unnecessary crap in his cupboard
P is for Peacefully accepting defeat when you're wrong, when you know he has the last word

Q is for Quietening up whenever he blows his top
R is for Relaxing and resting more with him and to your housework putting a stop

S is for Surprising him more with healthy foods than feeding him unhealthy desserts
T is for Teaching him to put his shoes back in the rack and teaching him his wife's worth

U is for Unconditionally loving him even though he'll grow old, fat and bald
V is for Vamoosing when he gets the credit card bill for which some expenses were uncalled

W is for Warning sign you need to give him during that emotional ' period'
X is  unnecessary Xpectations of the husband, on which we wives need to put a lid

Y is for Yelling less when the husband is late and walks in meekly through the door
Z is for Zippy, Zany and Zesty we need to be if from the husband and marriage we want more,more and more!!

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