Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Childhood Days...

I often walk down memory lane
reminiscing childhood days of mine
where life was uncomplicated and so plain,
sweeter than the sweetest of wine.

We were overflowing with innocence then,
unknown to worldly pressures
Life was  a playground filled with friends,
raptured by the simplest of pleasures.

We'd play and play untiringly
till the sun would set on us,
chor police, hide and seek, atti patti,
indefatigably without a fuss.

We'd play " Dabba gul" or  seven tiles,
Barbie, he-man, Gi-Joes were our playmates.
We'd cycle with friends for miles and miles
and swing like orangutans merrily on our building gates.

We'd pick tamarind fallen fresh from trees
they formed an important part of our food chain.
We'd live on sugar cane and iced pepsis,
bought from the quaint shop down the lane.

We'd spin tops on the craggy ground,
and play with marbles too.
with our fingers we'd strike them down
coloured in green, white  or royal blue.

Sadly those days did pass
and our childhood did slowly fade.
youth unveiled it's adolescent mask,
and adulthood it's way did pave.

But do not dwell on childhood, repining,
as joyful days come unexpectedly
The present has brought glad tidings
so live, laugh and love happily.

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