Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Marriage Proposals...Horrorscopes and Kundlis...

A movie I watched yesterday brought back amusing memories of a  marriage proposal,
of an eligible bachelor I met,
through "" a  marriage web portal.
He was a perfect match, 
as like me, he too was a " Mixed Breed"
tall, dark and handsome,
 in every sense indeed.

We both liked each other and communicated
technology was our mediator as he was in a city faraway,
till the mother decided to meet me, the eligible bachelorette, 
on a bright,  cheery Sunday.

Now we of the Catholic faith don't believe in matching horoscopes or so called " Kundlis",
but this lady was adamant on knowing my birthdate, 
and the time I was born 
which was 9.30 am approximately.

Days passed and this " mamas boy" suddenly stopped communicating,
I wondered why and then it dawned on me,
it had to do with my birth timing.
Whoever thought that the time you're born could determine your marital destiny,
it's such a nonsensical, absurd concept followed in India, seriously!!!

How can you in a minute decide,
that the person you want to spend with,
for the rest of your life,
has to have a matching horoscope, 
just to be a " sati savitri" and " propah" wife!!!

It's not over yet as this marriage proposal madness still continues,
where a 40 year old man would prefer an alliance with a woman aged 32,
He may be bald and grey with an oversized paunch,
but she has to be " young",  slim with  long black hair,
in his requirements, he is steadfastly and firmly staunch.

And those spineless jelly fish, who are the so called " mama's boys"
indecisive on a life partner they want,
so their ever willing mama's help they happily employ.
But if the mother dislikes the girl,
oh... then how can the boy, his mother's decision defy,
after all she has painstakingly  carried him in her womb for 9 months,
in her own emotional blackmailing way,
she'll cunningly justify.

But all this can change if those mama's laadlas loosen their hold on their mother's saris,
move ahead with changing times and change their fixated ideologies.
And we wouldn't need to depend on horrific horoscopes and potbellied panditji's Kundlis,
we could choose the life partner we want and live as " Mia biwi" happily!!

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