Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Four months of my life...

Four months of this year have past,
Time really waits for no one, it moves so fast.
The first month started with the parents Dubai visit
And completion of three years of marital bliss.
February was the month, I got a year older to 33 from 32
Reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, a bit of sadness and happiness too.

March, the beginning of spring,
indeed loads of happiness and joy it did bring,
The In-laws visited us on the fifteenth
And we celebrated Mikhail turning two on nineteenth.
They spent with us 30 whole days, where we lived with each other as a family,
And learnt each others habits and ways.
April, started with a soulful Easter and shopping for the new house,
And on 14th we were back to being three, Mikhail, me and just the spouse.
Finally on nineteenth we moved to our new home on the eight floor,
These four months have been wonderful,
couldn't ask God for anything more.
Though I still wonder what the next few months hold in store,
A much needed holiday to Bangkok, Pattaya
Or amchi Mumbai in India.
Will just have to wait and see, what new surprises spring up on me.

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