Saturday, May 12, 2012

'Hair'ital Woes!!

I did the keratin treatment six months ago,
But that has not put an end to my hair woes.
The hair is back to being frizzy and I'm turning grey,
Maybe it's the water, in Dubai it's hard they say.
I find it really absurd that my hair is so thick and rough,
When my mother is blessed with lovely wavy hair that's so soft to touch,
And my dad I can't really comment or say, 
as on his pate there's not much hair anyway.
Thought I'd blame it on the genes but it's sad I cannot,
I wake up in the morning looking like The Jungle book Mowgli,
Hair all ruffled, though I'm fully clothed, not in the funny red shorts.

A friend has suggested drinking lots of healthy milk,
But I rather substitute a glass of milk, with a bar of Cadbury's Silk.
I really hope and pray, Mikhail doesn't get horrible hair like me,
but I can't even say he should get his father's hair,
Cause he's turning bald you see.
Though I know one day, Nigel will have a lovely Marlon Brando bald pate,
I'm still trying to figure out the future of my hair's fate.
Looks like I'll have to live with my "hairital" woes,
but I've decided, no keratin, no straightening, no relaxo, not anymore!!

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