Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stress...the new status symbol....

Just read an article in the Khaleej times yesterday,
Where people think stress is the new status symbol and it's cool to be stressed and busy all day.

If you say you're stressed or busy,
They'll give you a hundred more reasons as to how stressed or busy they are,
Trying to show off that they are important and they've even cut short their sleeping hours.

Looks like people are becoming stress addicts,
with people constantly saying they're busy, busy, busy, 
It seems to be becoming a bad habit and a new etiquette worry.

It's weird how people feel being stressed is uber cool, hip and happening,
Where people feel that, if they're not busy or stressed, they've not accomplished anything.

It's also funny how people think being stressed or always busy is a qualification 
Sometimes it's great to just do nothing, unwind and spend it on relaxation.

If you go on hankering I'm busy or I'm stressed, you'll surely alienate yourself,
Because frankly everyone has pressures and they don't want to hear the same thing, they rather hear happier news instead.
Cause' no one will think being a busy body or stress addict is impressive,
People will only wonder why haven't they found out a way to deal with it.

If I said I'm always stressed, to me, it would be very demeaning.
And I'm sure if I went on saying it every time, it would be extremely irritating.
Yes, I remember having work stress where I was married to my work,
And spending over 14 hours at office after my baby's birth.
But now if I say I'm stressed, I really need a whack ,
Cause' I know it's tiring being a homemaker but I enjoy it tremendously,
and that's a fact!

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