Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day.....

You know we always talk about supermoms and never super dads,
But without dads we wouldn't exist, now wouldn't that be pretty sad!

Dads are a son's First super hero, a daughter's first love,
one of the best gifts, sent from God above.

I have fond memories of childhood with my dad,
When he'd get back from work, we'd search for goodies in his office bag.
He was like Santa Clause who never came home from work with his hands empty,
He would always come home with chocolates, fruits or even mithais like pedas, ladoos and Jalebi.

I remember the stories he'd actually make up for Carl and me,
The funniest stories which are still embedded in our memory.
The times we'd turn to him when we felt low or down,
he'd listen, crack a joke and wipe away our frown.
Even till today, I can talk to my dad about anything under the sun,
from the most trivial, taboo or even on raising my little one.
I was lucky to have my father with me on my wedding day when I walked down the aisle,
I know I'm not a "Daji" anymore but I'll always be to him his grown up child.

When I was in search of a life partner, I wanted someone a bit like my dad,
And when I met and married Nigel, nothing more made me happier and glad.
Cause' besides being a great husband, he's a super dad too,
sometimes he looks after our toddler better than me too
He is a patient, loving dad and makes a great father,
and when Mikhail and he get together, they set the house on fire.
When I look at Nigel, I see shades of my father in him at times,
And the way my father is an idol for me, 
in time Mikhail,his father will idolise!

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