Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sometimes things don't go our way.....

Sometimes in life things don't always go as per plan or our way
And you question God "Why?" every single day,
"Why God have you done this to me?
Why have you treated me with such disparity?"
But I guess, God for each one of us, a plan has laid out,
At the right time, God will give us what he feels is right, without a doubt.
Like the four seasons, autumn, winter, summer and spring,
there is a time allotted for everything.
Maybe materialistic or immaterialistic, whatever we want,
till then we have to be patient and remain cool and calm.
Not lose faith or question the Almighty above,
as no matter what, he will always shower on us his blessings and abundant love.
We must continue to be happy and content with the life God has given us,
and live every moment to the fullest, 
without a whimper, a grumble, a grimace or fuss!!

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