Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Search for a Preschool.....

And so the search for a pre- school begins,
for my toddler to expand his horizon, make new friends and fit in.
But here in Dubai where there is a myriad of schools and nurseries,
how will I find the perfect one for my toddler who's not even three.

There are Montessoris and play schools run by various nationalities,
From Europeans to Americans to Indians, Filipinos and even kiwi.

So what do I look for in my search for the perfect school
A global mix for Mikhail,
Now wouldn't that be really cool!!
Where he learns to mix with kids from various countries,
Learn about their way of life, their culture and food specialities ;).
Where he learns to mingle and make new pals,
Learn to mix with the guys and the gals.
More than learning his numbers and ABCs,
mixing and mingling with other kids for me is a priority.
Unlike in India where children mix about, laugh and play,
sadly in Dubai, children are stuck at home due to the heat, lack of child company at times, what to say!!

Mikhail loves meeting people and loves going out,
He's smart and observant and will enjoy nursery no doubt.
He knows his numbers and his A to Zee,
but which nursery to enroll him in, has put husband and me both in a quandary.
If in Mumbai, we had no tension or worry,
As we had decided to put him in a friend's Montessori,
But here in a faraway foreign land, 
We've to still decide where we want to send our lil man.
We want a school which is airy and bright,
Not stuffed with kids but the number is just right.
Not set up in a home or a small room but is run properly,
By certified teachers who are trained in teaching and Montessori.
Where kids not only learn to memorize but use their brain,
Learn also to apply common sense and intelligence when they are trained.
Where medical aid is available in case of an emergency,
And first aid is given by helpers incase they fall or scrape their knee.
We want a preschool which will be a home away from home,
As it'll be the first time my lil man will be away all on his own.

So lets hope and pray we do make the right choice for our Mikhail,
After all don't we parents want to give the best to our child!!

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