Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mumbai Calling.....

Counting the days to my trip back to Mumbai 
It's been over nine months since I've left Dubai.
Looking forward to a break and spending time with family,
I'm sure they're waiting for us too, anxiously.
Both sets of grand parents will be excited to see their grandson,
He's surely going to keep them entertained as he's a huge bundle of fun.
Waiting to relish the lovely food made by Maa and saasu Maa,
it'll be nice to taste something different from my own cooking, ghar ka khana.

It'll be great to catch up with school friends and college friends too,
Maybe we can go watch a movie or two.
Watching a movie in a theater in Dubai is a rarity you see,
Cause I have my toddler 24x7 always with me.

Got to grab a bite at Cafe Andoras and Candies,
and not to forget my favourite Aga Brothers Frankies.
Something in Dubai which I surely do miss,
just a juicy bite into a wet franky is pure heavenly bliss!

Visits to joggers park, Mount Mary's and bandstand I will surely make,
walks up and down Kane road with my best bud for old times sake.
It'll bring back memories of the good ole days
Where we'd walk up and down the steep slope to lose weight.

There's so many things I want to do in my two weeks stay,
wish there were forty eight hours in a single day.
But with all the fun and excitement, Nigel will be missed,
hopefully we'll be a threesome in December, though we wont be there for Christmas.

Anyways that's another six months away,
right now excitedly waiting for my Mumbai Unexpected Holiday!!

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