Friday, March 9, 2012

Good ole' Laughter....

Laughter is the best medicine wise men say,
Why waste your time on crying or grumbling when things don't go your way.

Laughter has many really does,
It's a Great destresser, makes you look young and boosts relationships, 
makes you feel more in love.

And there's no need of exercising, cause it helps reduce weight too
It gives great sleep, so ditch that sleeping pill on the dresser,
you've kept there especially for you.

You may Laugh out loud Or laugh ha ha ha or hee hee  hee,
And then, the magic you'll see instantly,
Laughing is indeed a lot of fun,
Forget the number of teeth you have, 
even if you have just two, three or even none.

By raving and ranting at situations which sometimes go out of hand,
Why while away our time with worries,
when they too pass away quickly like swift sinking sand.

So laugh away your troubles,
They may not go away,
But one thing I know for sure,
Laughter makes life fun and worth living,
each and every single day.

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