Saturday, March 10, 2012

One life to live it...

We have one life to live, so Live it,
If you love somebody, don't hesitate, Say it,
If you want to do something do it now, don't procrastinate,
You'll suddenly realize that tomorrow is too late.
If an opportunity comes your way, take it,
Don't contemplate and waste your time,
Some opportunities are sometimes very rare to find.
Life is a risk, we sometimes got to take a chance,
It can't be a well directed staged romance.
Yes, we may make mistakes along the way,
But we won't get back the past.... yesterday.
Life moves quickly and suddenly we'll realize
That our life has passed and time surely flies.
So live your life to the fullest, like there's no tomorrow,
Give it your best shot and live happily in the present,
Don't waste time wailing over past sorrows.

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