Monday, March 12, 2012

The In-Laws are coming.....

The in-laws are coming...
In three days they'll be here,
For the first time, we'll all be living under the same roof, 
in my marriage of three years.
Yes, I am happy and excited, but to be honest, frightened too,
I hope they enjoy their stay with us and are happy with what I do.
I know I'll take good care of them and treat them very well,
I hope they appreciate the food I cook and together we all gel.

We'll take them to the Dolphinarium and atop the Burj Khalifa,
to the various malls, the parks and even big old Ikea.
They can spoil their first grandchild and play with him all day
Mikhail will surely enjoy all the pampering and keep them entertained, in his own childish way.

I love my independence and the thought of just Nigel, Mikhail and me,
We love doing things the way we want and living separately.
But now being five human beings, is a whole new equation,
In our small family of three, there'll be a slight alteration.
But they are Nigel's parents and I treat them as my own,
They are wonderful people, in my three years, 
I have learnt and my fondness for them has grown.
They have always treated me as a daughter and never a daughter-in-law,
And for me they'll never be my in-laws, 
but what they like to be called, always "Mummy and Papa"!

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