Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I am proud to be a WOMAN...

I am what I am ....A Woman,
And proud to be one too.
A woman can do many things, better than others can do.
We can cook, we can clean, 
we can wash and mop,
We can dress up,  look our best after a hard day and even shop non-stop.
We can manage deftly both work and house,
Take care of our family, children and spouse.

We are compassionate, kind, we can multi-task,
We may be impatient, confuse men when at the same time, we cry and laugh.
But like men, we may not be physically very strong,
But mentally and emotionally we are stronger, 
and that cannot be proved wrong!

We are a daughter, a friend, a wife,
A mother, a companion, a sister, 
the center of many people in our lives.

I am a woman,
And one, I am proud to be,
I will never exchange it ever, till eternity,
Yes, we may be the fairer sex, but not the weaker,
All people out there love the woman, the girl child,
With respect learn to treat her!

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