Monday, March 25, 2013

A Funny Proposal...

T'was a summer evening
he took her to the park near the sea
and politely asked her to sit on the bench,
under the shade of an old oak tree.

He lovingly took her hand in his
and asked her to close her eyes.
She obediently listened to him,
knowing in her heart,
awaiting her was a huge surprise.

Now, high above on the old oak tree,
lived a murder of gluttonous crows
And after stuffing themselves with a heavy meal,
nature called out to them, the same time he decided to propose.

Then the unexpected happened
and  on her hand she felt something sticky and white
this wasn't the surprise she had dreamt of 
and longingly had in sight.

She was livid that he could do something so repugnant
and so her five fingers on his cheek went  smack,
She felt such an indignity and such behaviour 
needed a hard resounding slap.

He was taken aback by her misdemeanor
and said " But I've not yet on your finger put the ring,
Whoever thought that the excrement of crows
would not be a sign of good luck, but a five finger sting!"

"And how can you ever think
that I'd propose in such an icky way.
As luck would have it unfortunately,
the crows had to have " the runs"
on my proposal day."

And so once again he cajoled her
and on her finger slipped the solitaire made of gold
He asked her " will you marry me,
and together with me will you grow old?"

She said " Yes my darling, I'll marry you
and love you till eternity.
But promise me one thing, my dear.
If you ever plan to surprise me again,
never under this old oak tree!"

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