Monday, March 25, 2013

Weighty Misunderstanding...

He was seated in the train 
voraciously reading the morning news
when at the next station
 a woman boarded the train,
her tummy was huge!

The lady stood quietly
holding the railing near the door.
He stared at her feeling
pity and remorse.

He thought " this poor lady's expecting,
how can she manage such weight.
It's sad no one wants to give up their seat,
sharing in a train, is not a common trait!"

So he folded his newspaper 
put it neatly in his briefcase
and walked upto her
with a smile on his face.

He politely said " Since you're expecting
you may take my seat."
He felt proud and happy 
he had done his good deed for the week.

She gave him a cold hard stare
and said "Sir, I'm not expecting
but thank you for your chivalry.
You see God with weight 
has been overly generous with me!"

The man was embarrassed
he didn't know where to look
He went back to his seat
and from his briefcase, pulled out a book.

But to his dismay
he had pulled out " From Pig to twig-
 Neris and India's Idiot proof diet"By India Knight.
And so he made matters worse
instead of setting it right.

He gave her an awkward smile
and looked uneasily away.
Mentally, he took an oath
He'd never ever offer a seat
to any oversize woman 
starting from that day!

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