Monday, March 25, 2013

Sad truth about women...

I'm staring at the mirror
I can see strands of grey
I've realized time has passed fast
I've come a long way.

I'm no longer a young lass
new to this world
a little child no more
I'm no longer daddy's girl.

I'm a daughter, a sister,
an in-law, a mother and wife,
but I'm a woman first,
in this present God given life.

I'm thankful to the people around me
I'm thankful they've treated me well
But then I ponder on women who are not,
into their miseries, I delve.

Some are raped and beaten
some burnt and abused
some are made to starve
and hit with their husband's shoes.

Some are treated unequally 
in this male dominated world
Some are aborted in the womb
when the mother learns sadly,
it's not a boy,but an ordinary girl.

It's disheartening that even in this modern day,
women are treated shoddily still
Where man's ego comes in the way,
and makes a woman stay home,
even though it's against her will.

We may have the highest of college degrees
But our mindset hasn't changed
We may have done a Phd in Anthropology
but our attitude towards women,
still remains the same.

We have special days for women,
celebrated internationally with pomp and grandeur.
But why!! why!! can't they be treated with love and respect
every single day of the year.

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