Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Wedding Day

She was waiting in the Mercedes
all dressed in diamonds, shimmering white
waiting to walk down the aisle with her father,
waiting to be a newly wedded wife.

She climbed up the church steps,
the veil covering her coy face.
As soon as she heard the tune
" Here comes the bride."
she smiled, t'was shone through the lace.

She walked arm in arm with her father
as he led her through the aisle.
She smiled and nodded at people as she passed
her face had a sparkle, 
like that of a new born child.

She saw the priest at the altar
and he standing by his side.
She thought " In just a few moments,
I'll be his newly wedded bride!"

Then all of  a sudden she fell flat,
on the cold hard checkered floor.
Her shoe had got caught in the trail behind.
Oh no what a way to go.

He left the priest and ran to her side
and helped her back on her feet.
He joked " You'd fall head over heels in love with me. 
You proved it today, my sweet."

He walked her to the altar
His face was still aglow.
He had the love of his life by his side,
he couldn't ask God for more.

They both exchanged wedding vows
and also wedding rings.
He lifted her veil and kissed her cheek,
t'was the beginning of a new beginning.

They were now man and wife,
for all the world to see.
To love and to hold and have each other,
forever till eternity.

The wedding mass then ended,
and everyone clapped and rejoiced,
to celebrate the union of two hearts,
of the newly wedded husband and wife.

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