Sunday, December 4, 2011

A love letter of an insomniac

Sleep so sweet, why do you evade me so,
The clock has struck one, I can't wait for you no more.
It's been days since you've visited me on time,
I fail to understand your delay when I've no worries,
nor guilty of any crime.
Like an owl, I wait for you at night,
staring endlessly at the bright moonlight.

When will you envelope me with your tender caress,
So that I could hold you in my arms tight, close my eyes and rest.
But it seems you wish to break my heart,
And stay away from me far apart.

Why have you suddenly turned from a lover to a foe!
Why do you wish to hurt me and add to my woe.

Oh sleep, my love what are your demands,
I promise to obey your every command.

I'll generously share with you
the last piece of cake,
From the refrigerator,
At 2 AM I slyly did take.
Or should I play soothing music to put you at ease,
Or dress the bed in white satin if you please.
On the bed I'll spray lavender, I promise to obey
But please don't leave me and visit me soon
before the break of day.

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