Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oh yes, it's a girl!

I remembered an incident at the hospital 2 years ago,
Where I heard the wailing and crying of a woman in the room next door,
She looked so distraught and forlorn,
Even though she had given birth to a healthy new born.

I still failed to understand why she was wallowing in self pity,
When the reason finally dawned on me.
She was not at all happy and was very very sad,
As she had given birth to a girl and not a lad.

I was shocked and surprised that she,
a modern woman of India today,
Could think in such a lowly disgusting way.

I'm sure in newspapers we've read how newborn girls are found abandoned in garbage bins,
Don't those mothers realise they're committing the gravest of sins?
Why can't these mothers accept their daughters happily?
Or have they forgotten that they too are daughters due to loss of memory?

India's 2011 census shows a serious decline in the number of girls under the age of seven,
As activists say eight million female foetuses may have been aborted,
between 2001 and 2011.
We Indians may have progressed in many fields by far,
But the truth is irrespective of how rich or educated we are ,
We still suffer from acute mental dementia.

It is said "every new born baby is God's opinion that the world should continue"
But how come when a girl is born,
This opinion doesn't hold true.

We still consider daughters a " liability",
Forgetting the likes of Indira Gandhi, Naina Lal Kidwai and Indira Nooyi,
ex India PM, heads of HSBC and PEPSI respectively.
Sons are always considered "assets"you see, assuming they'll always support us financially.
But before I end my poetry on this serious issue,
There's something funny I'd like to share with you,
"A son is a son till he gets a wife,
But a daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life."

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