Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Snail mail 'Letters' versus E-mail.....

I don't see a postman often anymore,
I remember a time where they would come with letters and cards nearly every day to our door,
But now their sight is so rare,
See them only on Happy occasions to collect their 'bakshessh' like Christmas or New Years or during Bandra Fair.

Sometimes I think of the good ole days,
when we would send cards for Christmas, Anniversaries or Birthdays.
I don't mean e-mailing cards from Yahoo or Hotmail or other card websites,
but picking up a greeting card from an Archies a Hallmark or a Cheap Jack in Bandra on which we'd write
We'd write in our best handwriting and go to the post office or the nearest post box drop it,
after affixing the required denomination of stamps correctly on it.

I remember the days when letters like an old tradition,we would send,
To loved ones, relatives and near and dear friends.
Hand made paper I'd buy, oh that was a novelty,
available in Fort at the stationery store Chintamani.
Paper in different colours, designs and textures,
and at the end of a letter draw a smiley face, 'thighs' and even stick lil stickers.

To the post office I'd go,
To post letters to friends in London, Dubai and also Mangalore.
And ensure that the stamps on the envelopes were stuck,
As our postmen were famous for making a quick buck.
Then anxiously for a week we'd wait,
for friends to reply with their latest gossip, news and updates.

But now with technology, life has progressed,
Where e-mails we send, personal touch not at its best.

E-mails are convenient, a cheaper form of mail where you receive replies so much earlier,
but the charm of writing cards and letters had a rare nostalgic pleasure.
I guess we need to move on with the times,
But writing a letter or a card today too isn't really out of line.
Do try it, people love receiving letters,it really is fun,
You'd bring a smile on the face of a friend or even a loved one.

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