Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 - the year that was.....

2011, the year that was a big change for me,
Shifting from Mumbai to Dubai, a whole new city.
Like a new bride starting a new life all over,
Only this time as a two year old wife with a ready-made toddler.

A year filled with joys and sadness,
A marriage in the family and a death of a loved one brought shades of happiness and darkness.

In March, Mikhail turned a solitary one,
A week before that his walking had begun..
And now he scampers everywhere,
Runs on pavements and climbs the stairs.

Living with a kid 24x7, is something new I experienced in 2011.
Had never done such a thing before,
Also cooking, painting, territories I did explore.

Failed the driving test twice,
Flew to Amchi Mumbai thrice,
Made new friends and met old ones too,
Twisted my foot experimenting with funny shoes.

Visited the wildlife sanctuary at Al Ain,
Experienced the hottest summers, oh that was a pain.
Experimented with my hair with keratin, a new therapy,
Hair felt silky and no longer frizzy.

Christmas turned out to be a wonderful celebration,
Though we were away from family in a different nation.

When I look back, I think I had a wonderful 2011,
A mixture of a little hell and a lot of heaven.

Wonder what 2012 will hold,
What new surprises will it unfold?
Mikhail joining playschool, me overcoming my fright of water and jumping into a pool?

A new car, a trip to Paris...atop the Eiffel tower..or maybe a cycle ride down the paths of Geneva.

A year filled with happiness, 2012 will be,
Filled with wonderful surprises for both you and me.

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