Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Money and it's Disparity

Whenever I pass by Mukesh Ambani's funny structure 'Antilla',
I think of the song
"Money, money, money
Must be funny
In a rich man's world"
Sung in 1976 by ABBA.

I still can't digest the fact that he spent 4000 crores on his house of 27 storeys,
When you actually think of it, it's really not that funny,
Where the same amount he spent on his house,
Could eradicate India's growing poverty.

But is India really a poor country?
sometimes I feel it is contradictory,

The richer are getting richer and richer,
Living in huge mansions with well stocked bars and latest cars,
using various ways to avoid paying tax,
Like stashing away black money in Swiss banks abroad - it's a well-known fact,
Or using the excess cash to buy vacation homes or yachts,
investing in bullion or in other cities buying plots.

Then there is the 'aam aadmi' who without a doubt,
pays taxes quietly without a fuss or a shout.

With inflation hitting the roof, he needs to think twice,
Whether to buy vegetables, pulses or just plain rice.
His cost has increased, but no hike in his pay,
He's worried how he'll support his family everyday.

Yes, Poverty in India is a reality,
When will the Government open their eyes and see this 80-20 disparity,
Where 80% of the wealth is with the rich 20,
But 20% of the remaining wealth is shared by the poor 80.

Do you have anything to say to this Mr. Mukesh Ambani!

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