Friday, November 25, 2011

The oohs and aahs of Pregnancy(3 trimesters)

First month:
"You're pregnant" said the doctor in her voice so thick, "no wonder you've been feeling dizzy and sick"
My memory flash backed one month to that passionate night,
Thank you darling Hubby for putting me in this plight.
I'm feeling nausea and want to throw up,
Oh God nine months is too long for that baby to show up.

Third month:
Back at the doctor,three months have passed time has really, really moved fast,
The scale tilts to the right shows I've put on some weight,
But I don't really care as I'm feeling great.
Today I get to see my baby finally,
Hope all is well , I pray silently.
I can see something move, peanut size,
"Its my baby" happily I yell while a tear trickles down my left eye.
"All is fine" doctor smiles and happily states,
It's a miracle, really God you are great.

Six months:
Now I've moved to month number six,
No longer I feel dizzy, funny or sick.
All I want to do is eat, eat, and eat.
At this rate, I won't be able to see my two feet.
There is no semblance of a little bump,
My tummy is getting bigger and I'm getting plump.
I've never ever felt this energetic before,
Earlier I would wake up grumpy at six but now I wake up happily at four.
I can feel little burps and even lil' kicks,
Who is there inside?
Lil' Ronaldo or Jimi Hendrix.
I wonder at times if it's a boy or a girl,
Is it a Michael, Michelle or Myrle?
"Baby is good but you've put on lots of weight" the doctor says wryly,
I smile back and think I'll "Weight" and watch what the last trimester lays before me.

8-9 months:
At last, I can see two proper hands and feet,
Wow, It's a full fledged baby, our creation is really neat.
But that's the sonography we've got to see,
When will I finally see my baby in reality.
When is that baby coming out,
I feel like a well fed duck waddling all about.
My feet and hands are swollen, I'm nice and fat,
Thanks to my lil' unborn brat.
"When will I deliver?", grumbles impatient me
I'm really cool if the baby is a she or a he.
It's just that my patience is running out,
Baby please hurry, I promise not to shout.
Oh no, I think my water has burst,
God, please take me safely to the hospital first,
My time has come finally to deliver,
And cherish these moments forever and ever.

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