Friday, November 25, 2011

The Proposal

I'm standing in front of my mirror, it's half past eight,
Today I am going to propose and she will decide my fate.
We love each other and we've been together for a really long time,
And today I've finally decided to ask her to be mine.

But I'm still in a quandary as to how to propose,
Should I carry a bottle of the best red wine and a crimson rose?
Should I drop the ring in a glass of champagne and order caviar
Or just keep it simple and like Springsteen strum a love song on my guitar.
Is it appropriate to propose on bended knee, in a fancy restaurant for everyone to see?
Or in a little private place, where candles are brightly lit and the table is covered with lovely white lace
And the hall is adorned with orchids and lilies,
Do you think I'm going overboard and being a bit too silly?
Or should I forget about the fancies and frills,
on seeing the ring, she'll surely be thrilled.
It's platinum with a huge diamond rock
thanks to the bank loan and sale of some heavy weight stocks.

But I've still not decided how am I going to ask?
Is proposing to a woman such a big task?
Oh no, nine chimes , the clock has struck,
Please pray for me and wish me luck
That I succeed in the proposal test
as I ask my beloved to join me in our marital conquest.

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