Friday, November 25, 2011

Poetry of a Burnout mom

I have no time to stand and stare, no time to comb my long black hair,
no time to take a little nap, thanks to my naughty lil' chap.
Forget about the morning news, need to keep an eye on him, lest a toy he chews.
I can't admire the blue sky and clouds, as chappy runs fast and may get lost in crowds.
I've got to bathe him, change him and clean him too, whenever he falls kiss him and say "I Love You".
His breakfasts and soups I need to prepare, need to pick up his toys scattered everywhere.
I'm exhausted at the end of the day, but I won't have it any other way
No holidays, salaries or bonuses,
But being a MOM surely has its pluses,
Cause' this job of 'MOM' is a lot of fun,
To love and care for my little one.

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