Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Supermarkets or Kiranawalas

All Newspapers and media channels are talking about FDI in retail,

But what does it mean to us and what does it entail.

It's a decision taken by the Government to allow foreign investment directly in the retail sector,

As a price lowering measure and a mass job creator.

It will lead to an increase in agricultural productivity

And also in the country, bring in new technology.

So let's pave the way for USA's Walmart and UK's Tesco,

And the French global chains like Geant and Carrefour.

But what about our kiranawalas and the general store

or even our neighbourhood's little shop next door,

In such a scenario where would they go.

Yes, we'll enjoy discounts and enjoy surplus and variety,

But will they deliver a kilo onions like our kiranawalas in a jiffy.

Or will they lay down rules like our supermarkets and hyper cities,

"Purchases above 2000 Rs. only Free home delivery".

However, since we " Consumers are considered kings",

Let's enjoy the best of both worlds and see what they bring.

But from a larger perspective, will farmers really benefit?

Will FDI in retail reduce inflation?

I guess we'll have to wait and watch and hope the government makes the right decision.

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