Friday, November 25, 2011

Something to laugh about

Since Sardars are a hot topic of late,another Sardar who came to my mind was Mr. Khushwant Singh - the funny Sardar, so put up some of his funny jokes to tickle your funny bone.

I am the youngest in the family. My brothers are called Rahmat Elahi (by God's kindness), Barkat Elahi (by God's grace) and Mahbub Elahi (beloved of God). As for me, I am Bas Kar Elahi (God that is enough).

Indian VIPs have recently been warned to take certain precautionary steps to avoid being blown up by terrorists. They have trouble following most of the points suggested.

1.don't go to the same hotel or restaurant too often.
2.don't walk in the same park at the same time every day.
3.don't take the same car to work every day.
4.don't sleep with the same person in the same place every night.

Krishnan Menon, a lifelong bachelor, was once invited by a family with three kids to join them for a film, as they had got an extra ticket. Sure, that was fine with him and they headed off to the nearest bus stop. The first bus stopped, but there were only three places on board. The second had only four, the third one, and so on. They didn't want to be late so they began walking to the cinema. Menon's walking stick kept going tap tap tap on the ground and the father reprimanded him for it: "Why not put some rubber at the end of your stick so we can walk in peace?" "Ah," said Menon, "You're a fine one to talk. If you'd put one at the end of yours we could have caught a bus."

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