Monday, April 30, 2012

Am I doing the right thing being a homemaker???

Sometimes I stop and think, what's  the use of a college degree and MBA, 
When a pile of dishes in the kitchen sink at me stare.
I wonder at times if I'm doing the right thing by being a stay at home mum, a home maker,
Where I could have had a ten hour or twelve hour job as a  banker.
I cook, I clean, I mop, I potter with utensils, plates and pans,
If this is what I was set out to do, what is the use of doing an MBA in finance!
Sometimes I feel, people come to Dubai to make tax free dough,
Then what am I doing here, happy scrubbing my bathroom floors!
I can easily keep a nanny, a cook and a cleaner and poshly dress and go to work,
What am I doing at home dressed in jeans and tees, where I get no pay, no holidays and no perks!!

But then I realise, looking after my home and my family gives me a great feeling of happiness, peace and satisfaction,
I remember my days of work at the bank were always filled with stress and tension.
I am happy and know I made the right decision of being a stay at home mum,
And I am happiest taking care of my little one.
I love taking care of my toddler, watching him grow,
Cooking for him his favourite food and happy when he hungrily asks for more.
Yes, I could have made pots of money and we would have saved a lot.
Maybe instead of driving a Toyota, a Porsche or Jaguar we would have bought.
But these precious moments, no money can buy or compensate,
I don't want to have regrets later and feel it's too late.
These days with Mikhail will pass and will never come back,
And these 14 months have made me realise I make a great homemaker, a quality which once I thought I always lacked.

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