Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mikhail - The Picky Eater...

Mikhail at times drives me round the bend,
His picky eating habits trouble me to no end,
He wants chocolate for breakfast instead of scrambled egg,
To make him eat it, I have to run around, plead and beg.
He loves custards and kheers and anything sweet,
I'm afraid it's not the best thing for a toddler to eat.
On the sight of cookies, ice creams and juices, he gives a wide-eyed smile,
But gulping down veggies and meats does take the little imp a while.
If I utter the word "soup", he mopes and whines,
I'm the afraid the next door neighbour will think, I'm torturing my well-behaved child!!
But who cares what people say or think, 
they are not going to feed my lil fella nor wash the pile of dishes in the kitchen sink.

I'm tired and I think I'm going to droop,
But I need to ask this question to some mommies out there too!
Is it true that the first born is always fussy?
And they don't like getting dirty or anything messy!!
Do your kids wail and wallow at times like mine?
Am I doing things wrong or is it fine.

But hey, I remember being a fuss pot too, I disliked eggs especially the yolk,
And my hatred for curds, well that's another joke.
Unfortunately, times change and I am a foodaholic now,
And my mouth moves pretty deftly, like a cud chewing cow.
I wish Mikhail could be a foodaholic like me too,
Though I think I'm expecting too much from my toddler of two.
But on a positive note, I guess his fussiness for me is a free work out,
Who needs to join a gym and exercise, when he makes me dance about!

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