Saturday, April 21, 2012

I wish I was a baby......

Sometimes I wish I was a baby who could sleep all day,
Lay in my cradle, twiddle my thumbs and while my time away.
No worries, no problems, no tensions,
Life would be o simple, no making decisions , no apprehensions
Someone to bathe me, someone to feed me, someone to even wipe me clean,
No tension of putting on weight or remaining thin,  skinny and lean.
I would only whine when I want my food on time
Or cry and sulk when I'm covered in grime.

I look at Mikhail, my toddler of two,
And envy him, wishing I could be in his place too.
But one day he will finally grow,
Hounded by study tensions, job tensions, girlfriend worries, God knows what more,
and then one day he will look at a baby and wish he was a baby too,
Wishing he could escape his adult life, sometimes, just like me and you!

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